The Vibrant Future of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

psychedelic-assisted therapy

The great thing about our modern medicine in today’s world is that new discoveries are being made everyday through research and new forms of thinking. Practices that were under-researched and deemed taboo decades ago are now being re-examined with a new perspective and research, with the hopes of finding new leads and cures to diseases. One in particular that is making waves and holds a promising future in the medical world is psychedelic-assisted therapy to help treat anxiety and depression.

What is psychedelic-assisted therapy?

The official definition of psychedelic-assisted therapy is “therapeutic practices involving the use of psychedelic drugs, particularly serotonergic psychedelics such as LSD, psilocybin, DMT, MDMA, mescaline, and 2C-B, primarily to assist psychotherapy.” Currently, medicine such as LSD, MDMA, and psilocybin are Schedule 1 after liberal use in the 60s. Recently MAPS has entered phase 3 trials using controlled doses and settings and under the care of doctors and psychiatrists. The results are impressive, Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which historically has had poor treatment outcomes is showing promising results after treatment with MDMA. And terminal cancer patients are finding peace and improved quality of life after a session with psilocybin (magic mushrooms).

Why is this important?

Put aside all your preconceived notions of what you know of psychedelics, and ask yourself if there is a medicinal value to these compounds. Doctors, psychiatrists, and scientist are diligently conducting experimental trials and gathering concrete data. Properly treating mental health diseases remains a struggle for the U.S. health system, and psychedelic-assisted therapy is the next road we are traveling down for help. The conversation about mental illness has been shifting, through social media campaigns to break-out TV shows surrounding teen mental health, and the societal change in its belief that vulnerability is not weakness. The stigma around mental health has completely changed, let’s shift the stigma around psychedelic so we can be open to new potential very effective medicine

What are the benefits?

Along with data comes personal anecdotes of patients who have had positive experiences with psychedelic-assisted therapy, including a musician sharing his experience with micro-dosing LSD and the positive effect it had on his life. Micro-dosing is the practice of taking small, incremented doses of psychedelic medicine on a consistent schedule to improve mental health or access creativity. People are sleeping better, eating better, and have a more mindfulness experience of life. This practice significantly alters one’s ability to process emotions, in the hopes of decreasing anxiety and depression in patients.

So what does the future look like for psychedelic-assisted therapy? It’s bright, full of color, hope, and the ability to help change lives for the better. With the proper research and doctors committed to the practice, there will be a new and improved way to help treat and cure mental illness.

For more information on our services at Wild Women Wellness, you can visit our website or give us a call at 1-650-271-WILD. For more information on psychedelic-assisted therapy see the Trip Treatment article in the New Yorker and

Kava Kava and L-theanine – Natural Anxiety Remedies

Kava Kava

With anxiety on the rise many people are looking for natural treatments to help alleviate symptoms. L-Theanine and Kava Kava are two supplements that show a lot of promise in giving sufferers relief without pharmaceutical intervention. Not only are these used for home use, they are also gaining headway in the social scene on the west coast.

L-Theanine: The Relaxation Amino Acid

Black tea is rich in L-theanine, an amino acid that helps promote the release of alpha brain waves which are linked to both physical and emotional relaxation. Research studies have associated L-theanine with a reduction in both psychologically and physiologically stress responses, easing the symptoms of anxiety.  How can you enjoy these benefits today? Enjoy brewing up your favorite green or black tea. A longer brew time of black tea can yield about 27mg of L-theanine and green tea about 7mg. A therapeutic dose is about 200mg daily and can be taken as a supplement away from food for the best result.

Kava Kava: An ancient root that promotes euphoria

Known as the “root of happiness” Kava Kava is a root used ceremonially in Pacific Ocean cultures. Traditionally it’s prepared by grinding the root and mixing with water. Kava has sedative, euphoriant, and entheogenic properties when ingested and anesthetic properties when applied topically. Typically kava is prepared as tea, and also comes as a powder, capsule or paste. Studies have shown it can provide significant relief from anxiety .

Kava usage guidelines

  • Liver toxicity – there has been some debate over the years of the safety of Kava and liver toxicity. However the root has been ingested in indigenous communities for over 1500 years with no indication of liver toxicity and recent review and research has established that ingestion of Kava is not linked to liver toxicity or long term liver damage.  I recommend consuming Kava in the traditional prepared form- as tea, powder or capsule, not as a tincture or alcohol extraction.
  • Alcohol – Kava kava should not be used with alcohol. It also should not be taken by individuals with a history of alcoholism.
  • Purity – Be sure the kava product you are taking contains only kava root.
  • Other medications – Let your healthcare provider know about all medications you are taking to ensure there are no drug interaction risks.

Kava Kava

Kava Bars: The New West Coast Craze

Kava Kava has become extremely trendy on the west coast – so much so that “kava bars” are popping up everywhere. MeloMelo in Berkeley is the bay area’s first exclusive kava kava bar and provides its patrons a place to get together and enjoy the incredible effects of the miracle root. Kava Lounge SF is a kava bar in the San Francisco area offering the same euphoric effects. Instead of hitting the club, skip the alcohol and try a Kava lounge for an amazing time.

It is important to work with a healthcare provider who can give you proper dosage and usage instructions when using any type of supplement. Contact Dr. Escobedo at Wild Women Wellness to discuss your health needs.


Anti-Anxiety Secrets of Natural Medicine: GABA & Phenibut


Suffering with anxiety can be lonely and difficult. Utilizing traditional treatments can create even more apprehension as patients are left with a host of side effects from prescription medications. Naturopathy utilizes nature to help restore balance and a sense of calm. Neurotransmitter GABA and a derivative of GABA called phenibut can have a significant effect on mood based on how high or low their levels are in the body.

GABA & Phenibut in the Body

Low levels of the neurotransmitter GABA have been associated with panic and anxiety disorders, depression, alcoholism and bipolar disorders. GABA is not directly absorbed into the brain, taking GABA is not the best way to restore levels. Phenibut combined with activated B6 can be taken orally and has been shown to provide relief within an hour. Phenibut, which can cross the blood-brain barrier, will bind to GABA B receptors and have an anxiolytic effects. Phenibut is valuable as it is able to lower stress levels without adversely affecting an individual’s performance.

Yoga: The Secret Weapon

Physical activity is a great all-natural way to help the brain produce the feel good endorphins. Even a short exercise session of 20 minutes can help create a sense of calm and improve overall mood and outlook.  While all exercise can increase GABA, yoga, in particular, can act as a powerful catalyst to increased GABA levels.

There is substantial evidence that supports the correlation between yoga practices and GABA levels in the brain. A study was performed with 8 yoga practitioners and 11 control subjects. The yoga practitioners did 60 minutes of yoga posturing and breathing while the control group read quietly for an hour. Following the experiment, MRIs showed 27% increase in GABA compared to the control group. A second study compared 19 yoga practitioners with 15 walkers. The participants did yoga or walked for an hour three times a week for 12 weeks. In the end, Yoga practitioners had improved mood and anxiety compared to those who walked, and MRI results showed increased GABA in the thalamus.

Visit Wild Woman Wellness for Guidance & Support

Dr. Tanya Escobedo of Wild Woman Wellness is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor in Redwood City, California. She uses special testing to safely evaluate neurotransmitter imbalance, and uses natural treatments to restore balance by addressing the root cause – without using drugs or causing adverse side effects.  Contact her today for your complimentary 15 minute phone consult.