Struggling to lose weight through menopause? We can help.

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  • Weight gain?
  • Difficulty losing weight?
  • Hot flashes
  • Mood changes?
  • Sleep disturbances?
  • Low libido?
  • Poor memory?
  • Irregular menstrual cycles & symptoms

You may be peri-menopausal or menopausal! It’s very common to gain weight especially around the mid-section as we approach menopause. Our hormones start to drop & it becomes harder & harder to stay fit. If you want to get through menopause like a cool breeze, we can help! Dr. Escobedo is an expert in hormones & weight loss. She has helped hundreds of menopausal and peri-menopausal women lose weight, get fit & feel great as they move through this transition.

weight loss, menopause, menopausal weight gain, natural treatment, alternative treatments, peri-menopause

Dr. Tanya Escobedo is a Naturopathic doctor who is passionate about empowering her patients through education and support on their path to health and healing. She strives to connect and understand her patients while pursuing their health goals through high quality sustainable health care.

Dr. Escobedo is excited to share her knowledge and positive energy with her patients. She feels honoured to start a journey of health and healing with you.650-271-9453

GeOMetric Shape Program

In just 8 weeks Dr. Escobedo will help you drop 15-30lbs, identify & address any barriers you have to losing & maintaining a healthy shape.

This Shape Up program is more then just a weight loss program, we will use four key steps to help you get on track:

Utilizing questionnaires, targeted laboratory testing & one-on-one consultations with Dr.Escobedo we will discover what your barriers are and if your hormones are one of them.

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We find the right fit for you. Qualifying you for the one of the Shape Up Programs that best fits your barriers & fitness goals. If menopause slowing you down, we focus on restoring & re-balancing your estrogen, progesterone & adrenal health to optimize your results.

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We use the most effective, doctor supervised, 30 day program to help you drop the weight & reset your body. In 30 days you can lose 15-30lbs, the more you have to lose the more you lose.

Lastly we bring it all together, looking at your barriers to losing weight, your diet and lifestyle, we pull it all together to create a long term plan to help you keep the weight off & stay fit for good.

I love food….so most of my life I have had a weight problem. I worked as a UPS driver for 25 years, and worked hard to keep the pounds off. Since I retired 10 years ago I have had a downhill battle with my weight. I gained a few pounds here and there, which lead to 10 pounds, until those few pounds added up to 40. The chart said I was obese, what an ugly word! I was in my sixties, overweight, unhealthy, and could not do much for exercise because my joints where painful from arthritis and all the extra weight I was carrying around. Help! I needed a miracle or maybe just the right doctor, a miracle wasn’t in my future. But Dr. Tanya Escobedo was, a loving, caring, young doctor with the answers to my problems. A new diet program, support system, and lots of encouragement. Believe me I worked hard to lose those 30lbs, but I could not have done it without Dr. Tanya! Now I look like a new me, I feel good, I look good, and am so happy. I am learning how to eat new foods that are healthier for me. The types of foods that are good for my body instead of foods that just add fat to my new skinny body that I LOVE! I know now for me 60 is the new 40! Hooray for me!

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Dr. Escobedo has helped hundreds of her patients lose weight successfully, as a Naturopathic doctor she take a very holistic approach. She is an expert at balancing hormones & has lots of success helping her patients balance their hormones, restore their energy, sleep, boost vitality and feel great again! She will empower you with knowledge and support so you can take the best care of yourself, and reach optimal health for years to come.